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Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. How Respondent Anonymity Impacts Feedback and Market Research

    Market research and, ultimately, the success of a business both rely greatly on receiving honest feedback from customers.  If you were always told what you wanted to hear and that you were doing the right thing, rather than the truth, where would you be now?  Where would businesses be right now?  While this general question Read more

  2. Syracuse, NY: A Great Test Market

    Syracuse, NY has enjoyed a long history as one of the nation’s top test markets. The metropolitan area’s use by marketers as proving ground of eventual product success or failure has been well documented for decades. Products both famous and obscure, ranging from ice cream to alcoholic beverages to baby carrots have been tested in Syracuse Read more

  3. Getting the Most out of your Market Research | 6 New Year's Resolutions

    Market Research can be quite a valuable tool for a business.  It helps a business make decisions based on actuality rather than hunches.  When going through the process of conducting research, it is important to get the most value out of it as possible.  We came up with a few tips (resolutions!) to help you get Read more

  4. Making Decisions About Market Research | New York State

    From our guest blogger Kim Cuccaro, former Business Development Specialist at RMS. Everyone is familiar with the Nike® slogan “Just Do It”.  A lot can also be said for making a decision and going through with it.  Oftentimes businesses fail to find common ground between slapdash decision-making and a lengthier drawn out decision-making process. I commonly see Read more

  5. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

    This post was written by our Guest Blogger Mark Dengler who is President here at Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS). When doing market research, businesses often wonder whether they should conduct qualitative or quantitative research. Qualitative research is used to explore and understand people’s beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior and interactions. It generates non-numerical data – Read more

  6. Senior Living Market Assessments and the Role of Consumer-Driven Research

    Our guest blogger Brian discusses Senior Living Market Assessments and the Role in Consumer-Driven Research.

  7. 5 Scary Situations That Give Market Researchers Nightmares

    The RMS Bunker Blog celebrates Halloween with some scary market research nightmares that keep us up at night. Read this post for 5 situations sure to make you tremble.

  8. Helicopter Parents and Their Impact on Market Research for Colleges

    The Bunker covers the topic of Helicopter parents and their impact on market research in colleges and universities.

  9. RMS Scale Week 2010 | Constant Sum Scaling – Market Research

    Constant Sum Scaling is a method used to organize and sort a variety of options. The respondent is presented with a few options and given a number of points to allocate to each option to create a comparative importance for each option.

  10. Market Research Solutions for Colleges and Universities

    Vance takes some time here in this post to describe why colleges and universities are doing more market research these days, and the different types of studies they undertake.

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