Search Results for: focus groups

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. 4 Tips for Writing a Market Research RFP

    A while back, we came across this video about writing a market research RFP: [youtube=] Obviously, the video presents a worst-case scenario for comic effect, but frankly every point on there rang true with us and is something we had already encountered or might encounter in the future. The reason for this, we think, is NOT (as Read more

  2. Shopper Insights | What Goes Into a Buyer’s Decision?

    One of the major challenges companies face is gaining an understanding of what drives a consumer to make a particular purchase.  Taking the necessary steps through market research to better understand shopper insights is one of the most important things a growing company (or any company for that matter) can do.  Ultimately the shopper’s decision Read more

  3. Choosing a Market Research Firm

    A couple of weeks ago, I was part of a conference call with a potential new client. At one point, one of the people on the other end of the call said, “Tell us why we should hire RMS over another research vendor?”    It’s rare that someone states the point so succinctly, but that Read more

  4. Choosing Between Phone and Web Methodologies | Why Not Both?

    I recently read an article in the May 2011 edition of Quirks, which is titled “Marrying Phone and Web” by Tom Donnelly – click here to read it.  The theme of the article is why web-assisted TDIs (tele-depth interviews) are a cost-effective qualitative methodology.  Methodologies like online bulletin boards, virtual focus groups and video chat Read more

  5. Domino’s Jumps the Shark

    On several occasions over the last year, we in the Bunker have commented upon the ongoing Domino’s Pizza advertising campaign with regard to its foundation in market research. First, we offered praise to Domino’s for their willingness to act upon unflattering market research findings. Then, we became a little concerned when their spots strained credibility Read more

  6. The Impact of Consumer Reviews | Customer Satisfaction Research

    Consumer opinion – we all know how important it is, but how much weight does it carry when we compare it to things like advertising and other forms of direct marketing?  The answer is: a lot.  A detailed report by Alterian titled “Your Brand: At Risk or Ready for Growth” shows that only 6 percent of U.S. consumers Read more

  7. What is Crowdsourcing? It's Market Research.

    Have you ever heard of the term crowdsourcing? If not, you may not be aware of the term, but you are probably very familiar with the process behind the idea. With the emergence of social media and the reinvention of traditional marketing, marketers are turning to new practices to drive strategic brand development. One of these trendy Read more

  8. Qualitative Research Incentives: 5 Reasons Why More is Better

    Many qualitative research projects, such as focus groups or in-depth interviews, will offer a monetary incentive to entice people into participating. In fact, unless the research is being conducted for a person’s employer or for a charitable organization, incentives are the only way to get them to give up their time. At the beginning of Read more

  9. What is Qualitative Research?

    A prior market research blog post (authored by our guest blogger, Mark Dengler, President of Research & Marketing Strategies) gave the following explanation of qualitative research. Qualitative Research is used to explore and understand people’s beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior and interactions. It generates non-numerical data – for example a customer’s explanation of “very satisfied” rather than a “10” rating using Read more

  10. 8 Valentine’s Day Desires from a Market Researcher

    Here in the Bunker, we put together everything that we, as market researchers, love.  So in honor of Valentine’s Day 2011, here they are: Unexpectedly high response rates.  Reaching the survey completes quota on the first day of an online survey; recruiting a peculiar niche for a focus group in a few days; receiving a majority Read more

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