Search Results for: focus groups

Welcome to the Research Bunker, a blog authored and managed by the staff at RMS. Subscribe today to stay up to date on the latest trends in the market research industry.

  1. Year Around March Madness for Market Research Firms? | Syracuse NY

    This is an article I just came across in the recent edition of Quirk’s magazine: “TRC Market Research, Philadelphia, has launched Bracket, a market research technique designed to aid marketers in new product development. Bracket aims to offer a method for prioritizing choices using a tournament-style structure that eliminates losing features to make the task Read more

  2. Market Research Scams | Don't Be Fooled

    Last week our Communications Coordinator at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) informed us of her recent dealings with a supposed market research company who requested her services.  She received a phone call and email requesting her participation in mystery shopping.  Working as part of a market research firm, she immediately had her guard up and knew Read more

  3. 7 Hidden Easter Eggs in Market Research Proposals

    A market research proposal is something that Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS)  deals with on a daily basis.  Market research proposals are either created in response to a specific RFP process or requested directly from a prospective client.  Because many of our clients we work with in the healthcare, higher education, and the financial industries Read more

  4. 5 Steps to Improve Participation in Qualitative Research

    There are many crucial aspects to a good qualitative research project, including the moderator’s guide, design of the participation packet, and even the report that is delivered afterwards.  But all of those pieces of the qualitative puzzle are insignificant unless you can actually get a fair number of participants to show up for the focus groups and/or interviews. Read more

  5. 4 Tips for Mystery Shopping | Syracuse NY

    This blog post discusses 4 tips for mystery shopping. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research company in Syracuse NY that offers mystery shopping services in several regions.

  6. How Reliable Is Your Data? | Market Research Vendor

    With all of the market research methodologies available to a business, it’s difficult to determine which one is best. Work with your market research consultant to determine the pros and cons of each. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research vendor in Upstate, NY.

  7. 4 Benefits of Transcripts in Qualitative Research | Market Research Upstate NY

    This blog post discusses the key benefits to using transcripts in qualitative research, particularly in reporting. RMS is a market research firm located in Upstate NY.

  8. Is Observational Research Too Often Overlooked in Market Research?

    This blog post discusses how market research firms should look into observational and behavioral research in addition to traditional market research methods for clients. RMS is a market research firm in Upstate, NY.

  9. 5 Advantages to a Smaller Market Research Firm | Syracuse, NY

    Thinking about a career in market research? Here are 5 advantages to working for a smaller market research firm. Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) is a market research firm in Syracuse, NY.

  10. RMS Continues to Build In-House Panel | Market Research

    This was a recent publication in the local Baldwinsville Messenger newspaper which discusses the effort at RMS to build a comprehensive in-house panel to serve local clients, clients in Upstate NY, and beyond.

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