Search Results for: focus groups

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  1. BizBuzz Social Media Conference | Syracuse NY

    On Tuesday, November 1st, the RMS Analytics team will be presenting at the second annual BizBuzz Social Media Conference at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool.  Our breakout session IV begins at 2:40 PM in Convention Center A. From the BizBuzz website:  “George will discuss his basic B2B strategies that drive market research business to his Read more

  2. How To Improve HCAHPS® Scores Using Market Research | RMS Healthcare

    When it comes to improving your HCAHPS® scores, you may not know where to start.  Or maybe you are a hospital who scores very well in specific survey composites such as Responsiveness of Hospital Staff or Nurse Communications but you cannot figure out why your recent discharges rate your Doctor Communications so low.  Or perhaps you Read more

  3. Environmental Scanning in Higher Education Research

    Environmental Scanning – it sounds like some form of new Green technology, but really it’s just a fancy term for something that all organizations need to do: taking a look at the environment in which they do business and using the information to shape future decisions. All market research is a form of environmental scanning, Read more

  4. Higher Education Market Research | Marketing Consultant

    Here in the Bunker, the RMS Analytics team has worked on a number of different market research projects for our higher education clients.  The types of market research for our higher education clients spans  both qualitative and quantitative – from focus groups to demand modeling.  This is a marketing piece that RMS put together related to Read more

  5. Call Center in Syracuse, NY | Market Research Agency

    This post was written by our guest blogger Erin Wisneski, Communications Coordinator at Research & Marketing Strategies (RMS) – a market research agency in Syracuse, NY. Since the recession hit at the start of this decade, many companies have downsized, outsourcing various department functions, especially those which traditionally require extensive staffing and intensive management. Enter Read more

  6. Do We Need Market Research? | Ask RMS

    All businesses engage in some form of market research.  Market research comes in all forms – both formal and informal.  One example of formalized market research would be a Fortune 50 company like Johnson & Johnson conducting a series of 16 different focus groups across the country to test three new varieties of Listerine, followed by Read more

  7. The Bunker Ad Critic | Market Research for Advertising

    I’ve long believed that a lot of people who work in the broad range of marketing fields are frustrated, would-be advertising copywriters. I certainly am. When I was in graduate school, I envisioned myself moving on to an advertising career, being one of the people responsible for clever and funny television commercials. It didn’t quite Read more

  8. How Market Research Can Help Community Colleges

    Over the past few years, there has been a continuing evolution of the community college’s place in the American higher education landscape. As the economy has declined, community colleges have enjoyed a wider appeal as a more affordable alternative to private and four-year public institutions, to the point where there is actually a “reverse transfer” Read more

  9. 11 Figures from American History Who Could Have Used Market Research

    Here in the Bunker, we believe market research is for everybody and can apply to just about every situation. To prove our point, and to continue our annual tradition of celebrating the Fourth of July holiday with a snarky blog post, we have come up with a list of significant figures from American history and Read more

  10. In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) | Provide Detailed and Comprehensive Findings

    First things first, you might be asking yourself what is an in-depth interview (IDI)?  An IDI is a conversation between a researcher and a single respondent with the purpose of exploring issues or topics in great detail.  The interviewer encourages participants to freely discuss their feelings and opinions, and probes on questions to gain insight Read more

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