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  1. Customer Satisfaction Hangs on a Phone Call | Syracuse NY

    This article gives an overview of the major impact telephone experiences has on customer satisfaction and how RMS detailed similar findings in other market research projects.

  2. The Value of Customer Satisfaction Research

    This article discusses the value of customer satisfaction research. Some of the most important value in customer satisfaction research is the survey tool you are using in itself. Asking your customers for feedback on you lets them know ‘you’re listening.’

  3. Recruiting the Right Participants for Your Focus Groups: Best Practices

    Article by Ryan Moore, RMS Research Coordinator At a glance: The Importance of Participant Selection – Choose participants that represent the greater demographic and are comfortable expressing their views. The Selection Process – Define the Purpose of the Focus Group and conduct a recruitment screener to confirm they meet the proper requirements for participation. Participant Outreach Read more

  4. How To Get The Right Participants For Focus Groups

    When it comes to focus groups, it’s crucial to recruit the right participants. Typically a focus group includes a small number of people, often between 8 to 12 participants, plus a moderator that helps guide the discussion. The moderator’s goal is to get participants to answer the pre-defined questions in the moderator’s guide, but also Read more

  5. Focus Group Best Practices & Why RMS is YOUR CNY Focus Group Facility

    If you are planning Focus Groups for your clients, let us help. CNY is a top test market in the country and we know how to find the right participants! SOME FOCUS GROUP BEST PRACTICES The Importance of Participant Selection Choose participants that represent the greater demographic and are comfortable expressing their views. The Selection Read more

  6. RMS CASE STUDY: Community Needs Assessment

    Article by Analytics Staff – “We need organizations that can serve the underserved individuals in our community and continue to support and develop programs that can allow these individuals to live their best lives.” A prominent provider of services to individuals with developmental disabilities in Onondaga County, New York, collaborated with Research and Marketing Strategies, Read more

  7. Patient Perspectives: Member Satisfaction Survey

    Article by Ryan Moore, RMS Research Coordinator – Introduction Our client wanted to know: How can we continue to provide care that aligns with members’ needs and preferences? RMS recently worked with a managed care plan to administer a member satisfaction survey. Our client wanted to identify areas where the Plan meets or exceeds expectations Read more

  8. RMS CASE STUDY: Using an Employee Satisfaction Survey to Improve Management Practices

    Article by Molly Burke, RMS Research Analyst – Introduction: A regional cancer treatment center recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct market research to gain insight about the leadership team within their organization. The client wanted to hear from their employees about what their supervisors are doing well and what they Read more

  9. Healthcare Case Study: How We Helped Understand Factors Related to Provider Engagement

    Article by Molly Burke, RMS Research Analyst – Introduction: A national behavioral health network recently partnered with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS) to conduct market research with the contracted healthcare providers within their network. The client wanted to explore why these providers within their network were not accepting or providing services to patients with Read more

  10. 3 Questions to Ask Before You Start Your Next Market Research Project

    Article by Patrick Fiorenza, RMS Director of Research Analytics – One of the things that I love about market research is that it provides the opportunity to use many methods. Qualitative techniques like focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations, or intercept work. Or quantitative data like surveys or accessing secondary data resources. Then within the analysis, Read more

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